Fanfare please...
It may just be the Royal fever in the air (or whatever), but I'm beginnig to feel like a monarch. Because of one thing and another, I'm having to draw out my birthday celebrations a little. My actual birthday is Wednesday the 9th (for thos keeping score, I'll be 27) and on that night Carmen, Cal, Mum and myself shall be going to Cristophe's for Casaulet (sp?). Unfortunately, Dad will be in Melbourne wednesday, so we had a pre-birthday, all-family dinner at the Lakeview Chinese restaurant and it was bloody beautiful. And they gave me a lucky glass apple for a present. How cool is that?
As well as these two dinners, Saturnight is my big birthday bash (which I guess you guys who are reading this are now invited to) at the Polish Club in Turner. So I'm getting essentially a week of festivities to mark my birthday. All we need now is a commemorative coin to be struck and I can be a royal.
Except then I'd be bothered by papparazi and eventually chased to my death in that tunnel under the ANU, so maybe I should just be glad I'm not royal and simply enjoy my birthday celebration(s).
Happy birthday, Euan.
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