2006 Book 2
"Fight Club" by Chuck Palahniuk
I thought I'd get in early with one of my "I've always meant to read that" books and grabbed myself a copy of "Fight Club" to read when I was down the coast for New Year's (about which, more later) and I hafta say I'm glad I did. The story is just similar enough to the movie to be comfortably familiar, while different enough to be enjoyed on its own merits.
I won't go through the story, because if you know it you know it (duh) and if you don't, then it's way too complicated to go into in a brief 50 Book Review[TM. Suffice it to say that "Fight Club" is a quick-paced, enthralling novel with a lot of sick laughs and harsh actions, wrapped up in smart prose and with a smattering of social commentary to entice the palate (sorry, had a wonderful lunch at Poacher's Pantry and now I'm thinking in food analogies). In addition to this fast pace is the fact that it's not the longest novel I've ever read, and so doesn't get a chance to outstay it's welcome, which is also good.
Four repetitious rules out of five.
"Your post baaaaa is great."
LOL. I guess some spam bots are more equal than others. :-)
Although it did get past the word verification. Not a good sign. Or is it satire?
Actually, this is the reason for the word verification.
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