Two or more heads (tunes) are better than one...
I know I'm out of touch with the pulse of the world, I know it takes me ages to get into things. I started reading Harry Potter when "Prisoner Of Azkaban" came out. I started watching Buffy in season 3. I started getting into the swing revolution a good year or two after the Cherry Poppin' Daddies' album came out. And now, to continue the trend, I've just got into mash ups.
Well about time, I here you cry. What took you? you ask. Well, I guess I'm just slow.
And what's a mash up? For those of you out there who are slower than me (and that can't be many), it's when one or more songs - usually from disparate genres - are remixed together so that they match up. Or even, mash up. Har har.
My current favourite is a combination of the Men In Black and Ghosbusters themes that I found here. It also has a link to the Nirvana/Michael Jackson mash up you may have heard.
Most of the mash ups that I've encountered have had all of the humour and self-awareness that fuels my addiction for dodgy punk and cross-genre lounge covers and, hell, a couple of them are just damnablly clever. You might also try checking out Party Ben, who appears to have a radio show where they play mash ups. And these peoples perform mash ups live. How frickin' cool is that!!
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