Saturday, December 10, 2005

Book 30

"Honour Among Thieves" by Jeffrey Archer

Time to cast my mind beck through the sands of time. Okay, so the basic plot of this one revolves around a plan to steal the American Declaration of Independence and publicly burn it. The origin of this plan? Iraq (boo-hiss) and Saddam (boo-hiss).

Apart from being quite dated, I do have to admit that I saw the "Archer Twist[TM]" in this one coming from about a third of the way through the book. That said (and don't I just love writing those two wrods, eh?), the book did move along at a cracking pace, with suitable excitement, intrigue and action to keep me turning the pages. Will this make me rush out and buy the rest of the Arcer canon? Maybe not, but if I'm stuck for reading in a B&B in Corfu and a previous guest as left a Jeffrey Archer book lying around, I may just pick it up and have me a wee read.

3 forged historical documents out of five.


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