Sunday, April 02, 2006

Just cause I got curious...

DisorderYour Score
Major Depression:Very Slight
Dysthymia:Very Slight
Bipolar Disorder:Slight-Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder:Very Slight
Postpartum Depression:N/A
Take the Depression Test

Apparently, being annoyingly chirpy all the time puts me in a quasi-bipolar risk group. Who knew...

Also, the fact that they had to put a "I know this is a little meme thingy and not an actual diagnosis" checkbox on the thing that was a little sad (no pun intended). Is the common-sense gland in the average internet user so atrophied that a down 'n' dirty depression test has to point out that it isn't a qualified psychiatric care-giver? Well, I guess I should probably know the answer to that one already, right?


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