Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Pure Genius

I've gone and activated my Super Mutant Idiot gene again and I've managed get hurt playing another non-contact sport. This time it was touch football during lunch today. I was running after David (who, BTW, is a lot faster than he looks) and reached to tag him. Of course, I failed (see previous aside) and over-balanced. Attempting a neat, clean Judo tuck-roll over my left shoulder, I instead speared straight into the ground, leading with the aforementioned shoulder. There was a gristly noise and my forward motion stopped.

So now my shoulder hurts, but not all the time and not moving in every direction, just most of them. The up side is that as it was during a social game with work people, I'm covered by Workers' comp. I think. Either way, my shoulder hurts and I'm not the happiest Euan on the planet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bah! Pure luxury yeh wee nancy!

If it's still bugging you badly in a few days you should probably get it looked at. I am the veteran of a reasonably impressive number of injuries I just ignored at my peril for too long. It can get nasty if you do that for the wrong things.

Next time tuck your head in more, your body follows.
Or you could just, y'know, shoot him.

10:30 PM  
Blogger Euan said...

Oh, I am a wee bessy. I'm on my way to the doc this morning. Even if all I get out of it is a prescription for some painkillers so I can actually sleep through the night (every two hours I woke up... oy vey!).

And I'll have you know I managed a perfect roll that ended with me on my feet on the same day, I just kinda botched this one... ow... silly man...

8:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could have been worse . . . you could have been playing Frisbee!

2:36 PM  

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