Monday, July 25, 2005

At the third stroke, it will be...

Too fucking early! Or is that late? This saturday marked me being awake for the longest continuous stretch in a very long time. Like 27 hours.

It started with getting up (moderately) early to meet Mum, Dad, Cal and some cousins from the US/UK for breakfast in Braddon. Breakfast was great, bordering on spectacular (at Da Cellini, if ye wanna know). Meeting time? 9am. Awake time? 1 1/2 hours and counting. Wakefulness? I had two strong mochas with breaky, so what do you think?

Finished breaky around 10:40 and with a brief sidetrip to give Carmen the stage door keys went for a wander around some shops to look (in vain) for some Star Wars Lego. Current time? Around 13:30. Awake time? A paltry 6 hours. Wakefulness? Humming along nicely, thank you.

After that it was veg at home, prep the ingredients for the paella I'm cooking tonight and snuggle on the couch with Carmen. After we've watched some TV, and Carms watches me play the "Futurama" game on the X Box for a bit, she heads home and I head into the theatre (whereat I will be cooking the aforementioned paella). Current time? Around 19:00. Awake Time? 11 1/2 hours. Wakefulness? Are you kidding? I'm about to cook for a crowd. I'm loving it.

Get to theatre, cook paella for the crew (touring and local). Touring crew included Unky Gra Gra, just by the way. Current time? 23:30. Awake time? 16 hours. Wakefulness? Not too shabby. But now the pain starts.

By pain, I mean bump out. Of a big set. Into two trucks. Which required more than a little fiddling and faffing. Get the trucks loaded, swear at the lightening sky and check our watch. Current time? 07:45. Awake time? 24 1/4 hours. Wakefulness? If you render me unconscious with a sharp blow to the head, I will write you into my will.

Then the tarket laying begins. After all, the gang from Quantum Leap (that's the local dance troupe, not the sci-fi series) will be here at 9 o'clock. When's that? Of, about now. Tarket done (with only on exploding lamp to puncuate the dullness and give us a rush of adrenaline to help us through the morning). Current time? 09:00. Awake time? 26 hours. Wakefulness? There be sausages to eat and beer to drink. I can make it...

Eat said, drink said and stagger toward my car. Nearly fall asleep on the way home, with my nodding off also resulting in nearly joining with a large truck. Turn up stereo. Wind down window. Call Callum on phone (using hands free, of course). Inform him he must talk to me or the little green man on the dashboard will send me to sleep with his magic pixie dust. Callum assures me the little green man isn't real and keeps me awake until I get home. Thank brother, stagger into house and shed clothing. Realise I smell like a wookie with gastro, and look not dissimilar. Head to shower. Take life in own hands to shave (with razor) in shower. Have moment of fear when it seems shower will wake me up. No. Can't. Sleep. Head to bed. Remember I had stripped bed to clean sheets. Go outside in towel to remove dry(est) sheets from washing line. Frost makes feet pleasantly numb. Make minimum bed for comfort. Collapse in bed. Current time? 10:30. Awake Time? 27 1/2 hours. Wakefulness? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

So what did you do on your weekend?


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