Sunday, April 30, 2006

Play 2-up now!

[40s Newsreel Announcer Voice] What can you do to help your country? Why not pop out a wee-un? Breeding is good for the economy and good for you! [/40s Newsreel Announcer Voice]

It seems a Sydney businessman has decided we're not breeding enough. He's taken out full-page ads in several national and regional newspapers and he even has a website promoting his notion that if you can have a baby, you should. Maybe I should say "what I take to be his notion" in case he feels litigious.

If you're as curious as we were when we read the ad, head over to and have a look for yourself. I will say that this wee snippet surprised me. At first glance I thought this might be an off-shoot of some sort of right-to-life organisation, but what he says there seems almost level-headed. Unfortunately the rest of it seems to be just a couple of clicks left of sane, but at least he's thinking when it comes to unwanted pregnancies. I say left of sane, becuase he seems to be wanting the babies for nice enough reasons. If it was "stop the minorities out-breeding us" or some such, I'd be saying right of sane. And more than a couple of clicks, too.

Of course, that said, he could be looking to establish Dickensian workhouses when the population upsurge takes hold in four or five years and give Australia a morally-reprehensible but globally-competitive manufacturing base. It's also possible that he's read Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" and wants Australia to be at the forefront of the world baby market. It is, as Mike Myers has already told us, the other-other white meat.


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