Monday, November 22, 2004

Think about it...

I was thinking t'other day and something ocurred to me.

The Rosetta Stone.

Just a little too convenient a discovery if you ask me...


Blogger jared said...


The shroud of Turin. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Virgin Marys of Cheese.
These are discoveries of convenience.

The Rosetta Stone is one of the great archeological discoveries ever.

But considering i had been facinated with it my entire life, lost my shit when i saw it in the British Museum and have a miniture version sitting next to my keyboard i may be slightly biased.

9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was more thinking that just when people were being stumped by translating these old languages, this "Idiot's Guide To Translating Ancient Languages" just happens to turn up. A little convenient if you ask me.

11:03 AM  

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