Was watching N.C.I.S on sunday and they stuffed up. The agents found a gun at a crime scene and referred to it three times in the episode as a Sig.
Unfortunately, it was in actual fact a Glock 17L (or possibly a 34/35).
What makes it worse is that the sidearms the agents have are all Sigs, so they should be able to tell the difference.
I know this is one of those "only a gun nut like you would notice that, Euan" things, but if the producers care enough about believability to have the cast tag and photgraph evidence before moving it (unlike many other crime dramas I could mention), then they could at least get the firearms angle right.
Of course, right now Carmen (amongst others) is reading this and shaking her head in sadness, but people get paid to avoid this kind of screw up. If they're not going to do their jobs, then give it to me. I'll do it for AU$800 a week and a chance to visit the set. :)
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