Wednesday, August 11, 2004

I-Haul, U-Haul, We all Haul for...

So I got my cheque from Peter Pan. $520. Wa-hoo! Now I can afford to move! Our current abode, nice as it is with its gas stove and ducted heating, has started to grow a little small. It was inevitable, really, given the fact that its not the biggest house in the world and Ratti and I are both fans of books, comics, DVDs and figures (me muppets, her transformers), all of which need a great deal of space to store. We've literally run out of usable wall space to put the bookcases on. So, given that our lease is up in September, we started looking around for another place.

And it looks like we've found one. It's on Goyder Street, just around the corner from where we are now, and it's got four rooms (ranging from really big to just not bad), wood panelling in the lounge and dining and a weird room under the house. Now if we can just work out a time when the property manager hasnae hurt her neck, Sam's boss doesn't keep him at work and Ratti isn't working two jobs at once, maybe someone from the housemate group who isn't me can see it and confirm the excellence.

Four Things I've Learned Recently;

  1. I'm not entirely sure what "meta" means.

  2. Simon Pegg's cameo in Black Books Season 3 is excellent, funny and damn creepy.

  3. Long baths with a good book are exceedingly enjoyable.

  4. Smoked steak doesn't go off for ages.

"If it wasn't for pizza and other fine Italian foods, there would be no happiness."
- Jonesy, Fallen


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