Looking back...
I've decided to start making an effort to blog a bit more. And right now I find myself in a reflective mood, so that's what yer getting. Not maudlin reflective, necessarily, just reflective. So looking back, I gotta say that I regret not making more of a fuss of the poor young lady I took to my year 10 formal (which was much longer ago than I realise, probably). She looked stunning and just 'cause I was a late-blooming nerd was no reason not to spend more time with her that night and repeatedly tell her how gorgeous she was. Sorry.
I regret ordering the braised lamb shanks at Woodstock last weekend. I'm not saying the lamb wasn't nice, 'cause it was. It wasn't amazing, but it was nice. No, I just know that I would've enjoyed $16 worth of pizza a lot more.
I regret not developing a homework and study ethic until quite late in my academic career. Even now, if I was putting in a bit more effort, I would be further along in the drafting process of my Masters than I am right now. While I am infinitely better than I was, I know I could've got a much higher TER if I'd just bothered to do one or two more drafts of my homework in years 11 and 12.
I regret the time I wasted nearly watching Chicken Park. I had a suspicion how bad it would be, in fact Cal and I hired it because we felt like some fun shite, but it was just much worse than we could've feared.
Should I keep going? Probably not. I'm sleepy now, and I have two King Size chocolate bars to regret eating tomorrow. Time for some milk and Babylon 5. G'night, all. I'll try and be less random next time. :)
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