Friday, December 29, 2006

Belated news

If you look over to my "People with blogs I know", you will see that my beloved has caved in and now has her own MySpace.

When she can actually get the posts to work (issues with servers or post lists? We're not sure), you can have a look-in at her view on life and stuff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus H. Christ, is that really you in the current picture on Carmen's myspace? Man, you have porked up several notches since I saw you last! ;-)

I confess I have too. :-(

And lost those spectacular curls. :-)

PS Carmen is a lovely looking lady (and I'm sure a wonderful person with a sparkling personality - otherwise you wouldn't be together).


1:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've lost the curls, I mean, not me.

1:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hm - a Blogger blog, a LiveJournal blog, and now a MySpace blog.

Careful, Euan, it's starting to look like an addiction ;-)


12:23 AM  

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