Agenda setting
I have no agenda.
Don't get me wrong, I believe strongly in certain things, disagree strongly with others, but I basically don't think I have any specific personal agenda. I support the idea that I should have the right (even though I know there's nothing like a 'constitutional' one in Australia) to responsibly use and own a recreational firearm. I think that people should not be held by foreign powers without charge. I believe that putting empty sugar packets back in the sugar bowl at cafes should be punishable by public flogging. I believe all these things, but I wouldn't say that my belief in them constitutes an agenda. But now I have a moderately public forum (so long as people know the address) in which to spew out any agenda I may have, and I think maybe I should be using it in a less aimless way.
Y'see, this blog was just meant to be a random collection of musings and whatnot, based mostly on the very sheep-like notion that all my friends had blogs and they were cool (friends and blogs), so why don't I give it a go? Now I have desires to rant about my issues, try to make the world a better place and I even have a declaration from Jared that I "poke" pop culture. So what do I do? I like pop culture, I have my issues and I guess they should be aired, lest I bottle them up and turn into a bitter, cynical old man. Of course, I also think that trying to work out a raging torrent of anger and social awareness every couple of days might get old. Oh well, looks like the random aimlessness will continue, but with occassional outpourings of issues and pop culture. In fact, I can combine the two. Watch...
It pisses me off that channel 7 (or maybe just Prime) are happy to bump Angel in order to show The Wog Boy or tennis or some other annoying thing, just because it's not a prime-time show. What's so special about The fucking Wog Boy that you have to bump a popular cult show for it? Why couldn't they put it on in a regular movie timeslot? Does it really matter this much? True, it's nice to rediscover one's faith in a series that we all thought was gonna tank from the beginning but actually turned out to be kinda cool. And then there was the whole Connor-evil-pregnant-Cordie-Jasmine bollocks of last season, but so far Angel v5.0 has been pretty damn cool. But why the fuck did they just piss it off 'cause Nick Giannopolis (sp?) hasn't been on telly for a while? I don't get it.
On a brighter note, I saw Dealer's Choice at REP tonight (although it's actually an HMT show) and it was excellent. The accents may have slipped a little when people got excited, but the performances were great! A good geezer play about geezer playing some poker and losing more money than they can afford. Lots of hilarious word-play and insults made for lots of laughs and the occasional spontaneous burst of applause.
And now I'm off to kill Ratbat a lot at Red Faction 2.
Four things I've learned recently;
- The woman that Mr Orange (Tim Roth) shoots in Reservoir Dogs was Roth's dialect coach for the American accent and always gave him a hard time.
- He enjoyed shooting her more than is probably healthy.
- A reggae version of Hotel California, sung in French, is actually cooler than it sounds.
- Nick from work says 'random' a lot.
MUGSY: My life flashed before my eyes.
FRANKIE: Was it any good?
MUGSY: No, you were in it.
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