Monday, December 06, 2004

whatever we did, we're sorry...

Honestly. We didn't mean it. Would the Mischeivous Gods Of Theatre[TM] please leave On The Razzle alone now. What do I mean? Well, we had three shows over the weekend and the only one that didn't have strange things happen was the saturday matinee. So what did we do between shows on saturday to piss off the Gods?

The saturday night show was going fine - with the exception that Duncan and Dick had a fit of giggles during the restaurant scene, but that's not too bad - until the bit in Blumenblatt's garden. Then, just as I was jumping up to look over the wall, the lights faded down to black and the music power down with an audible "beee-ooooo". So we kinda hadta stop the show. There was much running around and looking at fuses and circuit breakers, but nothing seemed to be wrong. And then it just kinda worked itself out.

So that was fun.

And then yesterday, just before the end of act one (literally just before, actually, with only about two minutes to go), a smoke alarm goes off. "Clear the auditorium". Wait for the fire brigade. Get clearance. Keep going.

So two shows stopped in two days makes me ask; What did we do?

Was there whistling backstage? Maybe a little, but we got told off for it. No one has mentioned the Scottish play, although I did listen to "My Name Is MacBeth" on Sam's I-pod, but that doesnae count, right? So what did we do? How can we fix it? Is there a witch-doctor or priest in the house?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd blame Thespis.

(Although it is a couple of weeks after November 23... but maybe he was busy elsewhere or something. Who can really say with 3000-year-old Greek ghosts...?)

4:20 PM  
Blogger Graham said...

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11:01 PM  
Blogger Graham said...

Let's try that again without all the spelling mistakes...

Don't let it get you down Euie, at least you're in good company.

It wasn't that long ago that The Australian Opera had to stop the opening night performance of "Sweeney Todd" due to a fire alarm (false).

Which is, it must be said, actually quite a nice reason for stopping a show. You'd be surprised how many shows have had to stop due to a punter dropping dead during the performance.

11:05 PM  
Blogger Euan said...

And it's also a damn sight better than stopping for a real fire alarm.

11:40 PM  

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