Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Hullo again,

Wassup, dawgs? Or something. Had a moderately full weekend, what with work and my bro's housewarming (which was, coincidentally, Eliane's housewarming, but only because they live in the same house). Saturday's shift was a doddle well and truly. Some of the easiest money I've ever made. Though not the easiest, that honour goes to the Ballet I worked on as a mech last year. Something like six cues for a two hour show and getting paid for a four hour call. Oh the fun and money. And there I go, digressing.

Sunday saw me working again, but it was a little more exciting. Well... for about an hour between 1100-1200 when we went from having three occupied tables inside (out of 21) to having about two empty tables, and they were dirty. Of course, the rush didnae last too long, so that wasnae too bad. Of course, being halfway through moving in the furniture from outside before I was told it could wait until after they polish the floors was a little annoying, but only a little.

Had Sam IV over for dinner last night, and he told me about Sockbaby. It lives over at Channel 101 and is... well... cool. And odd. Very, very, very odd. And has fighting. And some dude with a white face. Look, just watch the damn thing, okay? The link to the 2nd episode seems busted, but the first is extremely amusing and with some pretty frickin' cool fighting, especially given the - I would imagine - negative budget of the "show". Also worth a look is Codename: Embryo, an animated, post-apocalyptic bounty-hunter/zombie show. In fact, just have a poke around and see what ye can see. There're quite a few links that seem a little fussy about whether they wanna work, but I'm sure you'll find something you like.

I'm so very looking forward to the houseboat trip this weekend. Not only is going to be great to take a break from the folk fest for a year, but just sitting around with the gang, dirnking copiously and being generally relaxed is going to be excellent. Expect a big entry next tuesday, or a really short one along the lines of "my head hurts, why can't I just die and stop the pain". :)

Four things I've learned recently;

  1. Instant cappucini (that's the plural, dontchaknow) of the 'just-add-water' variety are lame.

  2. The Adventures of Barry Ween really is one of the funniest comics out there.

  3. Our new head-chef is an excellent chef who produces top-quality food.

  4. But he's kind of a dick.

"You shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologise."
- Mr White, Reservoir Dogs.


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